Refugee Participation

UNHCR’s Accountability to Affected People (AAP) is a commitment to include the views of refugees and asylum-seekers in the decisions that UNHCR makes. This is to ensure that UNHCR’s decisions, services and programmes truly meet the needs of refugees and asylum-seekers and that UNHCR resources are used to achieve sustainable outcomes for refugees and asylum-seekers.

As part of UNHCR Malaysia’s commitment to AAP, UNHCR has initiated several mechanisms to engage with refugee communities from diverse backgrounds, to hear their challenges, opinions and receive feedback on UNHCR services and programmes. These mechanisms include:

  • The Refugee Advisory Board
  • Women for Women (W4W)
  • Outreach Volunteers Programme
  • Youth Network
  • Communication with Communities (CwC) Working Group

Through these mechanisms, UNHCR aims to increase the meaningful participation of refugees in its activities; empowering refugees to be agents of their own protection. UNHCR also provides on-going training to refugees in order to increase their resilience, as well as their knowledge and skills to effectively advocate for issues affecting their protection.


Please note that the Refugee Advisory Board members, Outreach Volunteers and the members of the above mechanisms:


  • Do not represent UNHCR and have no authority to act on behalf of UNHCR.
  • Have no authority to provide any UNHCR services to refugees.
  • Have no authority to obtain faster or prioritized service for refugees.

Refugee Advisory Board

The Malaysia Refugee Advisory Board (RAB) was established in June 2023 at which time the board constituted its first pilot cohort. The RAB is representative of the refugee communities in Malaysia and consists of experienced refugee leaders or focals from diverse backgrounds including: different age groups, nationalities, ethnicities, gender, and occupations. The RAB acts as one united voice for all the refugee communities in Malaysia; amplifying and streamlining advocacy efforts to improve the protection environment for all refugees in Malaysia and ensuring that no one is left behind.

What do they do?

  • Ensure the voices of refugees are considered in UNHCR’s decisions, services and programmes in Malaysia.
  • Coordinate with all relevant stakeholders in projects and programs that benefit and build the capacity of refugee communities.
  • Advocate with relevant stakeholders to address refugees’ basic needs and improve the overall protection environment of refugee communities in Malaysia.
The RAB Cohort of 2023/2024 has ended their tenure. UNHCR sincerely thank them for their supports to UNHCR and contributions to the refugee communities.

New RAB Cohort of 2025/2026

The new cohort will start on 1st January 2025 and end on 31st December 2027. The new cohort will be constituted by way of open application by interested candidates who must be refugees holding a valid UNHCR Malaysia document.

If you are interested to apply, please click here.

Past Activities of RAB Cohort of 2023/2024

  • Meeting with UNHCR Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific on 27 February 2024
  • Meeting with UNHCR Regional Head, Strategic Planning and Management Service for Asia and Pacific, on 27 May 2024
  • Regular Monthly Meeting
  • Advocacy Training
  • Leadership Training
  • Field visit to Tzu-Chi Clinic on 11 June 2024
  • Attending UNHCR Health NGO Partners Coordination Meeting
To contact the Refugee Advisory Board, please send an email to:

Note: This email is not for application to be RAB member. We will not consider application that comes through this email.

Women for Women (W4W)

Women for Women (W4W) network was established in 2023 to serve as a safe space for refugee women, ensuring women’s opinions are heard and considered in UNHCR’s decisions. W4W is comprised of women leaders and representatives from refugee-led groups, learning centres, volunteers from various nationalities and ethnicities. The platform also serves as a capacity development platform for refugee women so that they are equipped and empowered to provide support and assist their community members.

Main objectives:


  • Promote awareness on women-related topics and concerns
  • Platform for capacity development and self-improvement
  • Facilitated cultural exchange and social activities
  • Strengthening women’s engagement and increase women’s participation in refugee leadership structures

Past activities:


  • Cultural sharing session
  • Awareness session on family planning and cervical cancer
  • Skill trainings such as Canva and Microsoft PowerPoint training
  • Training on International Humanitarian Law, women’s rights, sexual offences against children and domestic violence

Outreach Volunteers Programme

The Outreach Volunteer Programme was established in 2022 with the primary objective of increasing access to information for asylum-seekers and refugees in Malaysia, especially those living outside Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Refugee Outreach Volunteers are trained by UNHCR and play an active role in:


  • Providing basic information on services and assistance following queries from their community members
  • Supporting the community in accessing the Refugee Malaysia website and its online features and forms
  • Conducting information-sharing sessions with community members

As of September 2024, there are 137 active Outreach Volunteers from various nationalities in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Selangor, and Terengganu.

If you are interested in becoming an Outreach Volunteer, please view the criteria below. You can then apply via the Outreach Volunteers Application form.


All UNHCR Services are Free

To report fraud and corruption conducted by refugees or asylum-seekers, please make a report to UNHCR’s Risk, Integrity and Oversight Team (RIOT) by one of the following methods:

If you are aware of, have concerns or suspicions about a potential case of sexual exploitation and abuse by staff of refugee learning centres or community organizations, community leaders, community focals, or outreach volunteers, please report this directly to the Women’s Aid Organization, who is UNHCR’s partner and receives sexual exploitation and abuse reports: