COVID-19 Vaccination

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we, as one global community, can only be safe if everyone is included and protected. Vaccine is one of the methods that can help to contain the pandemic. The vaccine works by protecting you and your loved one from getting severe complications as a result of COVID-19 infection.

Elderly and persons with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, lung diseases et cetera are particularly vulnerable of developing severe complications due to COVID-19. Therefore, it is highly encouraged for everyone to be vaccinated.

UNHCR welcomes the Government of Malaysia’s efforts to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccination for all including refugees and asylum seekers living in Malaysia.

To play our part to support the initiative, UNHCR encourage all refugees and asylum seekers holding UNHCR document to register their interest for COVID-19 vaccination through the following platforms.

Types of Vaccines

There are different types of COVID 19 vaccines available. Please find below links to more information available on the vaccines currently used in the vaccination roll-out by Malaysian government.

Vaccination Registration

MySejahtera App

Instructions are available on the video below.

JKJAV Website

The Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) website.

Community Leaders

Get assistance from your Community Leaders to be registered.

How to Register for COVID-19 Vaccination

Who Should or Should Not Get the Vaccine

What to Prepare for your Vaccination


  • Check your Appointment date.
  • Confirm your PPV/Venue.
  • Plan your schedule & route so you are on time.
  • Make sure you are not sick (if any suspicion on COVID-19 infection please get swabbed beforehand).


  • Bring your own pen.
  • Ensure your phone battery is sufficienly charged.
  • Make sure your MySejahtera app is functioning well (there are few stations for you to check in at).


  • Have your fever treatment ready, ie. paracetamol / panadol, cool fever.
  • Get enough fluid and rest.
  • Make sure you have done your groceries / got meals prepped as you may feel tired following the jab.

Source: IMARET

COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form

Vaccination Centres

Any person who has yet to receive the first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination should contact one of the listed clinics to get an appointment. This also includes those who received a first dose but missed the second dose appointment.

Please call or email one of the clinics to get your appointment slot. Then go to the clinic on the given appointment day for the vaccine. Persons without an appointment will not be served.

COVID-19 Vaccination Status – Self Update Form

If you are a UNHCR registered document holder and have received the required doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, please fill in this form. Kindly refer to the video below explaining how to fill in the form.