Beware of Scams: Woman Claiming to Work at UNHCR

Wednesday / 08 February 2023

UNHCR has received reports of a woman who claims to work for the Registration and Resettlement Unit at UNHCR. The woman contacts refugees via WhatsApp and has asked between RM300-500 to be transferred to a bank account in exchange for UNHCR documents, appointments, and interviews for Registration and Resettlement. The known phone numbers being used by the scammer are 011-33321567 or 011-16560601. You are advised to not reply, ignore and delete all messages from these phone numbers. The woman has informed individuals that if they report on her, their UNHCR documents will be cancelled and their cases will be closed. She further claims that nothing will happen to her because she works for UNHCR.

This is a scam. This individual does not work for UNHCR. All UNHCR services are free. You cannot pay UNHCR staff or any individual to process your case for Registration, Refugee-Status Determination (RSD), Resettlement, or any other purpose.

Be careful of persons claiming to have special links with UNHCR who can help you obtain interviews or resettlement in exchange for money. Do not share your personal information with them.

UNHCR will never ask you to transfer money to a bank account number. Any UNHCR staff involved in taking money from refugees will immediately have their job terminated and reported to the police.

Your UNHCR card will not be cancelled and your case will not be delayed or closed if you report suspicious activities to UNHCR.

If you are contacted by individuals claiming to be able to provide UNHCR services (interviews for Registration, RSD, Resettlement etc.) in exchange for money, end the phone call immediately and report this to:

  • The police
  • UNHCR using this form

For more information on UNHCR’s processes and assistance, please refer to the Refugee Malaysia website.
